Before The Configuration

First of all, let’s try to upload a product from Amazon to eBay and then apply the configuration and see the changes.

random product from amazon : t-shirt

Copy the link of this random T-shirt.

Automatic product uploader to ebay : AutoDS

Go to The AutoDS uploader and past the link, then click grab details. For now, we will use the regular uploader.

AutoDs uploader : successfully upload the product

Here you can see that the product information got successfully grabbed from Amazon. And now, we can start editing before sending it to eBay.

Now, let’s say that you want to bulk upload more than a hundred products. And you don’t want this product or any t-shirts to be uploaded. In that case, you can easily apply this configuration, and the uploader will avoid them automatically.

The Configuration

Head to the Account Settings then Vero/Keywords Blacklist.

vero keyword blacklisting toolHere you can add any keyword that is related to the product you want to avoid, and then the uploader will take care of the rest.

Let’s blacklist the word “t-shirt” and then try uploading the previous product again.

options to block certain products from being uploaded to your ebay account

There are three options for blocking a word here:

1. Block If It Appears In Manufacturer or Brand

You can block products from being uploaded to your store based on if the specified keyword appears in the manufacturer or brand inside the item specifics. Most of the brands put this in the item specifics, so if you use this filter, you will be able to catch most of them.

2. Block If It Appears In The Title 

Sometimes, the keyword only exist in the title, so using this option, you can make sure that you will block all the products that have the specified keywords from being uploaded to your store.

3. Block If It Appears In The Description 

Some companies include some keywords in their product descriptions, and it’s hard to find them as most of the tools don’t allow this option. Using this option, you can also avoid uploading products that have a specified keyword in their descriptions. Crazy, right?

You have the choice here either to choose one of the options or to combine more than one.

Let’s say that we want to block the products that contain the keyword “t-shirt” in the title” from getting uploaded through the uploader. It can be the regular uploader or the bulk uploads. Just enter the keyword and choose the right option and then click Add.

block word if it appears in title and don't list the product

After The Configuration

Now let us go back and try to upload the product from Amazon to eBay using the AutoDS uploader.

error the product contains a blacklisted word .. it won't be uploaded

If you try to upload an individual product with the blacklisted word, it will show you this error, and it won’t be uploaded. But if you are doing bulk uploads, it will just avoid the product without displaying the error. 


If you want to know more about the bulk uploads and how they work, you can refer to our article about the big numbers rule. You can also check our AliExpress bulk upload article if you use AliExpress as your supplier. 

This technique has helped a lot of our customers that do bulk uploads and have eBay stores with thousands of listings. We hope that you use the information in this article to automate your business and grow more. Plus, check out these articles for more useful dropshipping information: