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10 Mistakes To Avoid When Starting an eCommerce Business

Get free ebooks on ecommerce, marketing, and how to be an entrepreneur. Start building and growing your online store in just a few clicks.

10 Chapters

01 Not Having A Plan

A business plan creates a focus for the business. Without a course of action, proper goal planning and action execution can be messy.

02 Not Knowing Your Niche

There are plenty of aspects to take into consideration when starting an eCommerce business, but one of the first steps is choosing what niche/s to sell. Find out how to choose.

03 Choosing the Wrong eCommerce Platform

There are plenty of options when selecting which platform to go with. Learn which are best and why.

04 Relying On One Supplier

This is a common one. We explain exactly how and why you should avoid this at all costs.

05 Losing Focus

Our expert tips on how not to lose your mojo and stay motivated throughout your journey. Getting a degree takes time, right? Starting a business from scratch takes patience too.

06 Underestimating The Work Needed To Succeed

Dropshipping is the most profitable online business model, but that doesn't mean it's always piece of cake. Work hard to be able to play hard.

07 Not Hiring People To Help You Grow

Doing everything yourself might work at the beginning. Eventually, in order to scale your business properly and truly grow it into an online empire, you will need helping hands.

08 Return, Shipping, and Payment Policies

Technicalities are important to have in mind. This is crucial when setting up your online dropshipping business.

09 Failing to Plan For Holidays / Special Occasions

How to take advantage of holiday seasons and bank on holiday shopping sprees. We even have a special surprise for you here.

10 Not Automating Your eCommerce Business

Manual work is tedious and timely. Not automating your dropshipping store will keep you from scaling. Why hold back your business and keep it from reaching its true potential?

By completing this
workbook, you will:

Learn what keeps your business from scaling and what will push your dropshipping store to reach new heights.

Find out what are the 2 best eCommerce platforms to dropship on.

Get info on what to do when your business gets to the stage of needing to hire an employee.

A huge tip to keep your dropshipping business safe!

Learn our tips & tricks to sky-rocket sales during the most profitable times of the years.