Our UK eBay Fee Calculator will help you to calculate your eBay profits accurately, so you’ll know exactly how much you’re spending and profiting from your eBay UK business.
Updated: 18 January, 2023
What category does your product belong to? Pick ‘Other Categories’ if you don’t find a match.
Payment Processor
Select either eBay’s Managed Payments or PayPal.
Ebay account options
Please choose the description that represents your account the best.
Profit Breakdown
1. Take the product you are selling, copy its eBay Item ID or the full item link and paste to the Item ID field. Then, our eBay fee calculator takes the product’s price directly from eBay, calculating any fees and profits associated with the product. To ensure the most accurate results possible, please pick the relevant information from the fee calculator’s filters. This includes giving accurate information about store subscription, top rated plus, etc.
2. Get results instantly by filling out the product’s selling price, shipping costs, product costs, etc. Include any other properties such as store subscription or top rated seller status.