If you’re here, you probably want to start a dropshipping business, and two big names come up a lot. The decision of Shopify vs Amazon dropshipping can be a tough one. The truth is that both platforms are solid choices, but they have different strengths. Today, we’ll talk about which one might be right for you.

Shopify lets you create your own unique online store. On the other hand, Amazon connects you with millions of shoppers who are ready to buy. Let’s break down the pros and cons of each. We’ll keep it simple and help you figure out which platform fits your goals better. Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

Key Takeaways

Shopify allows customizable store management and scalability, while Amazon provides access to a vast customer base and streamlined fulfillment through Amazon FBA.

Shopify charges monthly fees starting at $32, offering predictability; Amazon imposes fees per sale (~15%) and additional fulfillment costs.

Shopify provides full control over branding and design, with extensive customization options. Amazon restricts customization, enforcing uniformity across seller pages.

AutoDS offers robust automation tools for Shopify and Amazon, simplifying product research, order management, and marketing to enhance efficiency and scalability.

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Shopify vs Amazon Dropshipping

So, what’s the bottom line in this Shopify vs Amazon dropshipping debate? As we’ve mentioned, both have their strong points. Let’s break it down.

Shopify is fantastic if you dream of a store that’s all your own. You get to call the shots on how it looks and works. Plus, you have more control over your business and can really grow your brand over time. Just keep in mind that all this freedom might cost a bit more money.

On the flip side, Amazon dropshipping is great if you want to jump right in and reach tons of customers from day one. They’ve got a trusted name, and they handle a lot of the tricky stuff like shipping and customer service for you. The catch? You won’t have much say in your store’s appearance, and the fees can add up quickly.

It really comes down to what you want for your business. Let’s dive deeper into the details so you’ll get an even better feel for which one suits your needs.

Demo Image
Demo Image
Business Model
Own online store with full control over branding, design, and customer experience.
Access to a vast customer base with Amazon handling shipping and customer service.
Monthly fees starting at $32, up to $399 for advanced features.
Fees per sale (~15%), fulfillment fees for Amazon FBA.
Store Management
Full control over store customization, extensive themes and apps.
Limited customization, uniform design, strict guidelines.
Dropshipping Automation
AutoDS automates product research, imports, orders, tracking, and returns.
AutoDS automates product research, imports, orders, tracking, and returns.

Marketing Options
Strong SEO and marketing tools, social media integration, personalized customer experience.
Massive traffic, increased competition, Amazon ads for visibility.

Other Important Aspects
Flexible payment options, vast app integrations, high scalability, easy POD integration.
Restricted payment options, limited integrations, scalable but higher fees, POD through Merch by Amazon.

Business Model

Shopify lets you create your own online store. You get to decide everything. Want to change the look? Go for it! Need to add some cool features? You can do that too. It’s great if you want your store to stand out and be unique. But here’s the thing – you’ve got to do most of the work yourself. You’re the boss of your own online world and have control over the branding, customer experience, and pricing.

Now, Amazon is a whole different story. It’s like setting up a stall in a huge, busy marketplace. You don’t have to worry about building the market or getting people to come – they’re already there! Millions of shoppers visit Amazon every day. However, because it’s a marketplace, you can’t really change how your store looks or personalize the customer experience much. You also have to follow Amazon’s rules and policies on how things should be done. Plus, unless you’re using the FBA service, you’re responsible for fulfilling orders and providing customer support.

In essence, in this Shopify vs Amazon dropshipping comparison, Shopify gives you more freedom but also more work, while Amazon gives you instant access to a large customer base but less control over how you sell to them.


Shopify vs Amazon dropshipping pricing

Now, let’s talk money. How much does it cost to use Shopify or Amazon? The cost is a bit different for each one.

With Shopify, you pay a monthly fee. It’s like renting a space for your online store. The basic plan starts at $32 a month, but if you want more fancy features, you might pay up to $399. What do you get for the extra cash? Useful features, such as better reports about your sales and tools to help you market your products.

Now, Amazon works differently. Instead of a monthly fee, they charge a fee for each sale you make. Usually, it’s about 15% of what you sell the item for. This fee can vary, with some categories having different rates. Additionally, sellers must account for fulfillment fees, especially if they use Amazon’s FBA service. These fees cover storage, packing, and shipping. 

Also, Amazon offers two selling plans: a free plan for selling up to 40 items per month with fees for each sale and a $39.99 per month plan without fees per sale. While Amazon’s fee structure can be daunting, it reflects the platform’s comprehensive services and expansive customer reach.

So, which one’s cheaper? Well, it’s not that simple. With Shopify, you know exactly how much you’ll pay each month. It’s predictable, which can be good when you’re starting. However, with Amazon, your costs depend on how much you sell.

Store Management

Shopify vs amazon dropshipping

Let’s talk about how store management. Shopify gives you full control over your branding, design, and customer experience. As a Shopify user, you can customize your store’s layout, themes, and features to match your brand’s look and feel. The platform offers many great professional themes that work well on all devices.

Plus, Shopify’s app store has tools for email marketing, inventory management, and customer engagement, making enhancing your store’s functionality easy. This flexibility makes Shopify a strong choice in the Shopify vs Amazon dropshipping debate for creating a unique and personalized shopping experience.

On the other hand, Amazon offers limited customization for sellers. While you can add your own product images and descriptions, Amazon controls your store pages’ overall layout and design. Your products will appear alongside those of your competitors, using a uniform design that makes it hard to stand out.

Amazon’s strict guidelines and policies limit how much you can personalize your listings and interact with customers. This streamlined approach simplifies the selling process but restricts your ability to create a distinct brand identity. This lack of customization is a key point to consider when comparing Shopify vs Amazon dropshipping!

Dropshipping Automation 

Both platforms can leverage automation for improved success. AutoDS offers solutions for working with each one, and they both have some strong points. Let’s check them out.

A key feature of AutoDS for Shopify is the product research system, which lets you instantly compare over 8 million trending products from global suppliers and add them to your store with one click. Importing product details, including variations, images, and descriptions, is seamless, and AI optimization ensures your listings are top-notch.

This strong automation support makes Shopify an interesting choice in the Shopify vs Amazon dropshipping debate.

Pro Tip: Check AutoDS’ free Shopify dropshipping course and eBooks to become a pro!

For Amazon dropshipping, AutoDS offers automation tools that simplify the selling process and boost productivity. AutoDS’s product research system allows Amazon sellers to compare over 8 million trending products from global suppliers instantly. With one click, you can import comprehensive product details, including variations, images, titles, descriptions, and specifics, and optimize this information with AI.

AutoDS also automates Amazon and Shopify orders, tracking updates, and returns, eliminating the need for buyer accounts. The platform continuously monitors price and stock, updating your store information 24/7 for more productivity.

Marketing Options

Amazon visitors per month

When it comes to marketing options, Amazon has over 3 billion visitors per month. This means your products are exposed to a massive audience who might casually find your store while searching for related items. On the other hand, a Shopify store won’t have visitors without marketing efforts. Unlike Amazon, Shopify is not an open marketplace, so people need to actively find your store in order to see it. This means you’ll need to invest in marketing strategies like SEO, social media promotion, and paid advertising to drive traffic to your site. Without these efforts, your Shopify store may struggle to attract visitors and generate sales.

However, we must keep in mind that with high traffic comes increased competition, making it difficult for individual sellers to stand out. Amazon’s uniform design for all sellers makes brand differentiation challenging. Yet, the platform ads can boost your product visibility on product pages and search results by targeting specific keywords and demographics.

In contrast, while you need to attract customers and market your business yourself, Shopify offers strong marketing and SEO tools. You can integrate your store with social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to sell directly. Shopify also provides design tools for creating discounts, gift cards, and email marketing campaigns to drive sales and customer loyalty.

Although marketing on Shopify requires more effort than Amazon, your products won’t be displayed alongside competitors, allowing for a more personalized customer experience. This highlights key differences in marketing strategies in the Shopify vs Amazon dropshipping comparison.

Order Fulfillment

AutoDS order fulfillment shopify vs amazon dropshipping

Efficient order fulfillment is essential for dropshipping success, and using Fulfilled by AutoDS is highly recommended for both Shopify and Amazon sellers. AutoDS automates orders, tracking updates, and returns, freeing you from manual tasks and allowing you to focus on marketing and customer service.

For Shopify users, AutoDS ensures quick and accurate order processing, handling everything from product sourcing to delivery with real-time tracking and efficient returns. This automation is especially helpful for scaling businesses and improving customer satisfaction. It’s important to note that Shopify itself doesn’t fulfill orders; it is purely a website builder. Therefore, integrating a tool like AutoDS can be crucial for managing the entire fulfillment process efficiently.

For Amazon dropshipping, Fulfilled by AutoDS meets Amazon’s strict fulfillment standards and boosts your seller performance metrics. The service manages inventory, updates product information, and handles logistics, ensuring prompt and accurate deliveries. On the other hand, third-party sellers on Amazon also have the option to handle orders by themselves or use Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon), which manages storage, packing, and shipping.

By using AutoDS for order fulfillment, Shopify and Amazon sellers can enhance efficiency, reduce workload, and provide a smooth shopping experience.

Other Important Aspects

  • Payment Options Shopify supports various payment gateways like PayPal, Amazon Pay, and Shopify Payments, which are PCI compliant and secure. This flexibility lets merchants choose the best payment option for their customers. Amazon also offers payment options, but its fees and policies can be more restrictive.
  • Integration and Apps Shopify has a vast app store with thousands of integrations for e-commerce tools and services, allowing for extensive customization. Amazon, however, has limited integration options but offers tools like Amazon FBA and advertising solutions to enhance the selling experience.
  • Control and Customization Shopify offers extensive customization options, giving you full control over your store’s design, branding, and functionality. In contrast, Amazon restricts customization, requiring adherence to its branding and policies, limiting your ability to create a unique shopping experience.
  • Possibility to Scale Shopify is highly scalable and able to handle large sales volumes, with plans that can be upgraded as your business grows. While Amazon can also manage high sales volumes, its fees and policies can significantly impact your profit margins as you scale.
  • POD Possibilities Both Shopify and Amazon support print on demand (POD) services. Shopify integrates easily with POD services, enabling you to sell custom-designed products without holding inventory. Amazon offers POD through Merch by Amazon (MBA), which produces and ships your designs but requires adherence to Amazon’s guidelines and policies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Sell On Amazon And Shopify At The Same Time?

Yes, you can sell on both Amazon and Shopify simultaneously. Many entrepreneurs choose to diversify their sales channels by operating multiple stores. You can manage each store separately, or you can use a tool like AutoDS to streamline the process. AutoDS allows you to manage all your stores from one platform, automating tasks such as product imports, order fulfillment, and price and stock monitoring. This makes it easier to handle multiple stores and ensures a more efficient dropshipping business.

What Is Better For Dropshipping, Amazon Or Shopify?

Choosing between Amazon and Shopify for dropshipping depends on your business goals. Amazon offers a vast customer base and streamlined fulfillment services with Amazon FBA, but it comes with higher fees, limited customization, and strict policies. On the other hand, Shopify provides more control, customization, and scalability. You can create a unique brand identity, customize your store’s design, and use various apps and integrations. While marketing your store requires more effort, Shopify’s flexibility and marketing tools are ideal for building a strong, recognizable brand. Ultimately, the best platform depends on your specific needs and long-term strategy.


In this comparison of Shopify vs. Amazon dropshipping, we’ve looked at the strengths of each platform. Shopify excels with its customization options, allowing you to build and manage unique brands with full control over design and customer experience. It’s scalable and offers various marketing tools. Amazon, on the other hand, gives you access to a huge customer base and streamlined fulfillment with Amazon FBA, but its rigid policies and higher fees can limit customization and brand differentiation.

Choosing between Shopify and Amazon for your dropshipping business depends on your goals and priorities. Both have unique advantages that suit different needs and strategies. To learn more about maximizing your success with these platforms, you must stay curious and keep learning! We suggest you to meet us here: