Both in dropshipping and in any store that sells products, it is important to determine the price of each item by finding a balance between what we spend and our profits. Of course, knowing how to price dropshipping products involves considering several decisive factors that we will review in this article.

If you are new to dropshipping, it is normal for these issues to seem complicated or to make you feel that you do not have the tools or knowledge to carry them out. But you can do it practically by considering some of the points we will delve into below.

Join us to learn how to price dropshipping products, learn the best practices, and learn tips for selling at reasonable prices while generating good profits simultaneously!

Key Takeaways

Pricing dropshipping products involves balancing expenses and profits, which is crucial for success in both dropshipping and conventional retail.

By learning how to determine break-even points and profit margins, we can ensure our cover costs and maximize profitability.

Automation tools like AutoDS can streamline pricing processes while experimenting with strategies and understanding competitors’ pricing can further optimize results.

Psychological pricing methods, such as odd-even pricing and offering discounts or bundles, can influence customer perceptions and enhance sales opportunities.

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How To Price Dropshipping Products?

We will break down all the aspects that influence the pricing of products clearly. Learning the following and knowing how to price dropshipping products will become one of your valuable new tools!

What Is A Break-Even Point?

To know how to price dropshipping products correctly, we first need to figure out our Break-Even Point. Basically, the Break-Even Point is the level of sales at which total revenue equals total costs, resulting in neither profit nor loss. In other words, it’s the point at which we neither make money nor lose money.

We operate at a loss below the break-even point while we generate profit above it. Understanding the break-even point helps us determine the minimum level of sales needed to cover all costs and begin generating profit. Of course, the main goal is to profit from it, so let’s continue delving into how to price dropshipping products.

For instance, if we spend $50 on an item, we are at a loss. If we price that item at $50 in our store, that is our break-even point. We spend the same amount that we later gain, so we are even. Of course, this is a very simplified example, as there are additional expenses we need to account for, like payment provider and product listing fees, but we will cover this later in the article.

Luckily, with tools like AutoDS’s Fees Calculator, calculating your Break-Even Point is a no-brainer. Simply fill in your payment and store fees, which depend on your payment provider and selling channel, and any additional % costs you may incur, and you will get your Break-Even Point. Usually, it should be around 15% or above.

Dropshipping Profit Margin Formula

The next step might sound a bit more complicated, but don’t panic; we will go over it point by point to make it very clear. The way to generate profits through dropshipping depends a lot on correctly using the dropshipping margin formula, which is basically:

Dropshipping Profit Margin= [(Income – Expenses) / Income] * 100.

This simple formula represents your income minus your expenses divided by your income multiplied by 100. We must calculate our business’s income and expenses. Generally, income consists of the sales income we receive from our customers. Conversely, expenses may fluctuate depending on the selling channels utilized. Remember that your expenses won’t be only the product price but all the money you spend on the different aspects of your business, like subscriptions to selling channels, translation fees, and any marketing fees. 

Let’s see an example of how the formula works on a selling channel like Shopify. Firstly, we have to select a plan to start running our store. Let’s say we choose the basic monthly plan. That will be our first expense.

Shopify Plans

Of course, we need marketing to track the audience to our store. Most people use Facebook Ads or similar ones. The money we spend on marketing our store and products will depend on several factors, but in general, it goes from $5 to $15 per day. Later, we have to check our transaction fees, which, in this Shopify case, will appear as credit card fees. Depending on your chosen plan, these will be about 2.9% plus 30 cents. 

Last but not least, we have to consider the shipping fees. Certain suppliers provide free shipping, a benefit we can leverage. Many of our suppliers include the shipping costs in the price of the product; that is simpler than tracking all the costs separately. 

So, going back to our example, let’s say we bought a product that costs $100. After adding all these fees, it will be about $150. These are our total expenses. So, we can sell it for a 25% markup, reaching the price of $200. So, our profit is going to be $50.

What Is A Good Profit Margin?

Your ideal profit margin will depend on many factors, including your goal and expenses. You need to know that you can’t go below a 10% profit margin. Although it sounds low, a 10% profit on a product worth $1000 is significantly higher than a 20% profit on a product worth $100.

Ideally, we want to reach a 15% to 60% profit margin. While this may sound challenging, it’s entirely achievable. With the right strategies, you can source products at low prices and promote them effectively with well-planned marketing or capitalize on different trends to sell them at a price that leaves you with a good profit margin.

Fees You Need To Know About

how to price dropshipping products

In the example above, we saw some of the costs we may have in addition to the price of our product. Now let’s outline all the fees you should consider to calculate your profits and how to price dropshipping products on your store.

  • Selling Channel Fee: Subscription costs for platforms where products are listed are paid monthly or annually and vary depending on the chosen subscription plan. For instance, Shopify offers basic, standard, and advanced plans, and eBay offers Starter, Basic, Premium, Anchor, and Enterprise plans.
  • Listing Fee: They are charged by eCommerce marketplaces like eBay per product listed. However, this fee is not applicable if dropshipping on platforms like Shopify or Wix.
  • Selling Fee: Charged by eCommerce marketplaces for each product sold, usually a small percentage of the total cost. Some marketplaces also levy separate fees for international transactions.
  • Payment Provider Fees: These are small fees per transaction paid to payment gateways for credit card and online payments.
  • Shipping Costs, Taxes, & Customs Duties: Essential expenses include shipping fees, taxes, and customs duties. Shipping fees depend on suppliers and carriers, and taxes and customs duties vary based on selling country regulations. Tools like AutoDS can integrate shipping prices into product source prices, facilitating free shipping to customers.
  • Advertising Fees: These are necessary for marketing products to target audiences and increase visibility. Various methods, such as Facebook Ads and eBay PPC, are available, each with differing costs. For example, eBay PPC increases product visibility on the platform for a fee per click.

Beginner’s Tip: AutoDS eBay Fees Calculator will help you calculate your profits accurately, so you’ll know exactly how much you’re spending and profiting from your eBay business.

Setting Optimal Product Prices

As we’ve seen in this article, setting an optimal price is not easy. We must consider all the expenses in selling the product in our store. Establishing the right price also depends on the type of business you’re setting up, the type of customers you aspire to sell to, and the type of products you sell.  

Of course, you will not use the same pricing strategies for a high-ticket product store as you would for a candle or clothing store. That’s why understanding your target audience is key to determining the correct pricing for your items.

Again, Autods has thought of everything to help you set pricing in the easiest way while providing flexible and powerful settings! We have already shown you how simple it is to set your Break-Even point. What is more, you can adjust additional settings like:

  • Additional Profit in % – set your additional profit in %.
  • Additional Profit in $ – set your additional profit in $.
  • Default Automation – choose if you want to apply the automation rules.
  • Minimum profit per product  the minimum profit you want to get per product.
  • Dynamic Profit – allows you to set a dynamic profit for your products by product cost range.
  • Set Price Cents Value – add a decimal cent value to all your products. The system will round the price to the decimal value you selected.
  • Include Shipping Price – include shipping costs in the source price of your products.

Moreover, you can fine-tune these settings separately for each store or supplier, giving you total control and flexibility over product pricing.

It never hurts to experiment! We suggest conducting A/B testing to see which price or strategy is more effective according to customer feedback. Also, we need to consider the fluctuating demand for the products we sell. We can adjust the price according to demand depending on the season or time of year. But let’s dive deeper into how to price your dropshipping products like a pro.

Price Your Dropshipping Products Like A Pro

Well, now that you understand the basic concepts that allow you to know how to price dropshipping products, we’re going to share some tips that will undoubtedly help you achieve much better results when determining the selling price of the products you sell. Get comfortable! You’re going to learn how to price like a pro.

Always Calculate Your Costs

Even if you’re not a fan of math, never underestimate the importance of calculating your costs. Earlier in this article, we discussed the fees you must pay attention to. Determining the wholesale cost from the supplier is the first step in adding up the expenses involved in listing a product in your store.

Think of it this way: all the money you spend on acquiring a product and starting to sell it is part of that product’s cost. Once you add it all up and understand it as a whole, it becomes much easier to calculate your expenses and, therefore, your profits. This makes the pricing process more practical.

We suggest deciding how much profit you want on each product by setting a markup percentage or a fixed dollar amount. For example, if you choose a 50% markup, you multiply your total cost of $20 by 1.50, resulting in a selling price of $30. Alternatively, if you prefer a fixed markup of $10, you would add this amount to your total cost, arriving at a selling price of $30.

If you follow these steps: determining the wholesale cost, factoring in all additional expenses, and deciding on a markup, you are already on your way to knowing how to price dropshipping products like a pro!

Automate & Experiment With Strategies

AutoDS Automatic Price Optimization

We suggest you configure your online store to automatically use predefined rules to determine your products’ selling prices. This can definitely help you save time and ensure consistent pricing across your catalog.

Most e-commerce platforms, like Shopify and WooCommerce, offer built-in tools or apps to help automate pricing; you can use them to set rules based on cost, margins, and other factors in some of the following ways:

  • Markup Percentage: Automatically add a percentage markup to the wholesale cost.
  • Fixed Markup: Automatically add a fixed dollar amount to the wholesale cost.
  • Dynamic Pricing: Adjust prices based on competitor pricing, demand, or other market conditions.

On the other hand, we can use third-party apps that integrate with our e-commerce platform to help us set the right price. Automation is a great ally in almost every aspect of developing a dropshipping business. If we can automate certain daily and tedious processes, we will have enough free time to avoid burnout and focus on new approaches, strategies, and plans to increase our sales.

Through our Automatic Price Optimization feature, you can relax knowing that your prices will be managed automatically according to demand. Instead of calculating the best price for each product individually, you can automatically set prices to decrease for products that don’t sell as well and increase for best-sellers. This way, you can scale your business quicker, save time, and eliminate the hassle of tracking your product performance.

Beginner’s Tip: Remember that if you want to explore the advantages of automation, you can access our 14-day trial for $1 and start enjoying all our features!

Consider Your Goals & Competitors

Setting the right price for your dropshipping products involves a delicate balance between various factors that align with your business goals and understanding your competitors’ strategies. 

Firstly, setting a price that aligns with your short-term business objectives is imperative. Whether your goal is to maximize revenue, achieve a specific profit margin, or capture a larger market share, your pricing strategy should reflect these ambitions. For instance, if our priority is a quick expansion, we might opt for a pricing approach focusing on gaining market share, even if it means sacrificing immediate profit margins.

Secondly, researching competitor pricing is indispensable in the dropshipping landscape. Analyzing the prices of similar products competitors offer provides invaluable insights into market trends, customer expectations, and competitive positioning. By understanding where your competitors stand in pricing, you can identify opportunities for differentiation and ensure that your pricing strategy remains competitive.

Beginner’s Tip: Spy Tools are ideal for analyzing what’s working well or not for the competition. Take advantage of our Ads Spy Tool to access exclusive metrics for ads and videos on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook!

Lastly, you must price your products competitively while maintaining a healthy profit margin. While undercutting competitors may seem like a viable strategy to attract customers, avoiding pricing wars that reduce profitability, in the long run, is crucial. Instead, aim to offer value to customers through a combination of competitive pricing and unique selling propositions while ensuring that your pricing allows for sustainable profitability.

Use Psychological Pricing Methods

Psychological Pricing Methods

No, we’re not villain minds looking to deceive our customers. However, many business strategies utilize harmless tweaks to help us generate sales and master the art of pricing dropshipping products like a pro. Let’s review some of the ones that can work best for you.

Odd-Even Pricing 

Odd-even pricing, a commonly used technique, employs psychological tactics to persuade customers to buy by manipulating their perception of value. It involves setting the last digit of a product’s price as an odd number, such as pricing an item at $9.95 instead of $10, appealing particularly to budget-conscious customers.

Conversely, even pricing is utilized to convey the completeness and sophistication of a product, and it is often favored by luxury product dropshippers. For instance, high-end jewelry stores or art galleries typically use whole numbers for pricing, often ending with 0 or 5.

Offer Discounts

In the vast landscape of the Internet marketplace, standing out from the crowd can be quite a challenge. With numerous products competing for attention, online sellers often turn to discounts to attract and retain customers.

By offering special discounts, you can capture your audience’s attention and create a perception of increased value for customers, making them feel they’re getting more for their money. Additionally, discounts can foster customer loyalty and encourage repeat purchases, ultimately contributing to the business’s long-term success.

Offer Free Shipping

You tap into the psychology of perceived value by offering free shipping or adopting a “free + shipping” model for low-cost items. Customers are often drawn to the idea of getting something for free, even if they have to pay for shipping. This strategy not only increases the likelihood of purchase but also creates a positive perception of the product’s value, ultimately driving sales.

Use Bundle Strategies

Bundle strategies involve packaging complementary products together at a discounted price. This taps into the psychology of perceived value and convenience. Customers are attracted to bundles because they offer a convenient way to purchase multiple items at once, often at a lower combined price than if purchased individually. Bundles can also create a sense of exclusivity and value, encouraging customers to buy the package deal rather than individual items.

Some of these strategies, or a combination of them, can be very useful for knowing how to price your dropshipping products.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where To Find Dropshipping Products?

Through AutoDS’s Hand-Picked Product feature, you can access a curated and constantly updated collection of products that are in demand or sell well.

How To Find Trending Products For Dropshipping?

To find trending products, you can use AutoDS’s Hand Picked Products Hub, utilize Spy Tools to analyze the competition or take advantage of tools like Google Trends to evaluate the supply and demand of certain products.

Can I Dropship My Own Products?

With features like our Print On Demand Feature, you can customize products to make them your own. POD allows you to trade unique and personalized items, which enables us to reach another type of audience.


Knowing how to price dropshipping products is one of the most important tasks in achieving success with your dropshipping business. From the outside, it may seem like one of the most challenging steps involving formulas, numbers, and strategies, but it’s quite straightforward.

As long as we can calculate all the costs and expenses involved in selling a product in our store, we can determine the price at which we should sell it. We just need to consider all the potential fees and take advantage of benefits such as automation or psychological tools to appeal to the customer.

With this article serving as a tutorial, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to start pricing your products like a pro. Remember, we’re here to support you every step of the way. You can continue exploring the world of dropshipping through the following articles: