It’s no secret that the internet has opened up many money-making opportunities for digital-savvy people. Whether you’re still in school, starting your first job, or just looking for a side hustle, learning how to make money with AI can be a total game-changer. The truth is, today, it’s one of the most exciting ways to earn an income.

AI technology is improving daily, and it’s easier than ever to use. Many people are finding creative ways to use AI to start their own businesses. From selling products online to offering unique services, the possibilities are endless. So, join us as we dive into some simple ways you can start making money with AI. Let’s find out more together!

Key Takeaways

Using AI-powered tools can be a game-changer for earning income, whether you are a beginner or looking to expand your business.

Managing a dropshipping store with AI-powered tools, such as those provided by AutoDS, reduces manual workload and increases efficiency.

AI-written content is a lucrative option that allows you to quickly produce high-quality articles, blog posts, and eBooks, which you can sell.

AutoDS’s AI Shopify Store Builder lets you set up a professional-looking store in minutes, with optimized product listings and designs tailored to your niche.

Start Now For $1

How To Make Money With AI?

So, we’re all wondering how to make money with AI. Well, good news – there are actually tons of ways to do it, and we’re going to dive into some of the coolest ones in this article. First off, let’s talk about dropshipping. It’s basically selling products online without having to deal with the hassle of inventory. Sounds good, right? Another awesome way is creating content – think videos or blogs – and using AI tools to help you write, edit, and make your stuff more visible online.

Now, here’s the thing: AI is great for making money for many reasons. It can handle many tasks automatically, which is a total game-changer. For instance, AI can crunch through massive amounts of data in no time, helping you make smarter decisions about what to sell or what kind of content to create. Plus, it can give your customers that personalized touch, making them feel seen – and more likely to buy from you again.

But there’s more: One of the best parts about AI tools is that they’re usually pretty user-friendly. So, even if you’re not a tech expert, you can still get in on the action. AI has something for everyone looking to start a new venture or level up their existing business.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s roll up our sleeves and get into the nitty-gritty. In the next sections, we will break down a few solid ideas and show you how to make money with AI in simple, practical ways. 

Best Ways To Make Money Online With AI

So, we’ve clarified how AI can be a secret weapon for making money. Now, let’s dive into some of the coolest ways to actually do it. We’ll break down some of the best methods to start filling that piggy bank!

Create A Dropshipping Store In Minutes


First up, let’s talk about dropshipping. In this convenient method, you don’t need to break the bank to get started, and when you throw AI into the mix, it’s even better. For instance, with the AutoDS AI Shopify Store feature, you can create a pro-looking Shopify store from scratch in just 2 minutes, for just $1, with everything you need to get started: Winning products ready to sell out, your own logo, optimized descriptions, a perfect theme to target your niche. Literally, everything!

Now, let’s talk numbers. Did you know dropshipping can hold up to a 40% profit margin? Some dropshippers rake in thousands of dollars a month. According to recent studies, the average dropshipper can pocket $50.000 in their first year. And that’s just the beginning! If you stick with it and really hone your skills, the sky’s the limit. Some experienced dropshippers live the dream, pulling in $100,000 or more annually. Using AI tools like the AI Shopify store builder can help you hit those big numbers faster. 

How To Create A Shopify Store With AutoDS

how to make money with ai shopify store builder AutoDS

  1. Sign Up and Log In: First, register on the AutoDS website and log into your account. You can try a 14-day trial for just $1 to see the advantages for yourself.
  2. Access the AI Store Builder: Navigate to the “Marketplace” section once logged in. Click on “Add Store,” then select the “Shopify Store.” button. You’ll see this button has a “Build With AI” tag. That’s what we’re going for!
  3. Select Build With AI: Now, you’ll have to pick the option in the middle: “Use AI to generate a pre-built Shopify store.”
  4. Choose Your Niche: Picking the right niche is crucial. AutoDS offers a variety of niches, such as pets, electronics, or fashion. Selecting a niche you are familiar with can make the process smoother, and you can always change this later.
  5. Automated Store Creation: The AI tool will then create your store! And that’s it for the first part. You will receive an email with your credentials.

Then, you’ll have to follow these steps to get everything ready:

how to make money with ai AutoDS shopify store builder

  1. Select a Shopify Plan: The basic monthly plan is a good starting point. You can start with a free trial and pay just one dollar for the first month (Shopify offers are subject to change).
  2. Customize Your Store: While the AI creates a professional-looking store, you can make minor adjustments to align with your vision better, select a theme, etc.
  3. Add Products: Use the AutoDS dashboard to add products to your store. You can select from a list of trending products or add your own by pasting product URLs.
  4. Optimize and Launch: Make any necessary optimizations, such as adjusting shipping methods or product information. Once satisfied, you’re ready to start selling!

Manage Your Online Store With Automation

Let’s face it – running an online store, like any business, can be a headache sometimes. It can feel like there are too many tasks to take care of, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But here’s the good news: automation will become your new best friend.

Luckily, AI-powered tools make our lives as dropshippers a whole lot easier. That’s exactly what AutoDS does. Let’s discover a few of its best features.

  • AI Product Title & Description Generator: This tool writes catchy titles and descriptions for your products. It makes your items easy to find online and sound great to buyers. No more spending hours writing – the AI does it for you!

how to make money with ai

  • Shopify AI Website Builder: As we’ve discussed before, this tool builds your whole online store for you. Just pick a few options, and it creates a good-looking store that’s ready to sell. It’s perfect if you’re new to online selling and want an easy start.
  • Trending Products: This tool tells you what’s hot right now. It shows you which products people are buying a lot. This helps you pick items that are more likely to sell well in your store.

how to make money with Ai trending products

  • Price Optimization: This feature sets the best prices for your products. It looks at what other sellers charge and changes your prices to stay competitive. You can set some rules for it, and it handles the rest.
  • Automatic Orders: This tool handles orders for you. When someone buys something, it automatically orders from your supplier and handles shipping. You don’t have to do anything – it’s all automatic!

Incorporating these AI-powered tools into your dropshipping business can reduce manual workload, increase efficiency, and boost your sales. AutoDS helps you easily manage your store so you can focus on scaling your business and achieving your financial goals.

Sell AI-Written Content

how to make money with ai chatgpt

AI-written content can also be a game-changer when you’re thinking of how to make money with AI. With tools like ChatGPT in your corner, you can write up top-notch articles, blog posts, and even entire books in no time. 

So, here’s the deal: you use AI to create great content and then sell it to people who need good writing but don’t have the time or skills to do it themselves. For instance, you could use AI to crank out many blog posts on the latest hot topic and then sell them to a blog owner who’s always scrambling for fresh content. Or, if you’re feeling ambitious, why not create an eBook on a niche subject you’re passionate about and sell it on platforms like Amazon?

The secret sauce here is finding a topic that gets you fired up and then letting AI work its magic to produce content others will find valuable. And here’s the best part – even if you’re just starting out, AI can help you create professional-quality writing that people will want to buy. So, whether you’re a pro or a total newbie, there’s never been a better time to jump into the world of AI-powered content creation.

Create AI-Generated Art

ImagineArt artificial intelligence art

Another exciting way to earn money online with AI is to create AI-generated art. Utilizing AI art generators, you can produce stunning images and designs with minimal effort. For instance, tools like DALL-E, DeepArt, and ImagineArt allow you to create captivating artwork in just a few clicks. The ease and creativity these platforms offer make them an excellent opportunity for generating income through AI.

So, here’s the deal: you create these amazing art pieces and then sell them as prints, digital downloads, or even put them on merchandise like t-shirts and mugs. With services like AutoDS Print On Demand, creating your custom products is as simple as clicking a few buttons. Plus, websites like Etsy and Redbubble are perfect for showcasing and selling your AI masterpieces.

You could use an AI tool to craft eye-catching designs and then list them for sale on an online marketplace. On the other hand, you could also offer custom AI art services. It works like this: Customers tell you what they want, and you use AI to create personalized art just for them. It’s like being a digital Picasso but with a high-tech twist. Not only is this method pretty profitable, but it also lets you flex your creative muscles in totally new and exciting ways.

Offer AI-Powered Affiliate Marketing

AI-Powered Affiliate Marketing is another fantastic option when wondering how to make money online. Affiliate marketing is all about promoting other people’s products and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral link. But AI can take things to the next level.

Picture this: AI analyzes tons of data to find the best products for you to promote and figures out the most effective ways to reach your audience. You can use AI tools to keep tabs on trending products and high-performing keywords. This gold mine of information helps you create laser-focused content that attracts more clicks and conversions.

But that’s not all.  You can also use AI to automate social media posts and email campaigns. It’s like having a tireless assistant who works 24/7 to keep your marketing machine running smoothly. By leveraging AI in your affiliate marketing game, you’re basically multiplying your earnings potential.

Beginner’s Tip: Explore more actionable marketing strategies and expert tips on the AutoDS blog to level up your marketing game and drive sales effortlessly!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Easiest Way To Make Money With AI?

The easiest way to make money with AI is by starting a dropshipping store. AI tools like AutoDS can automate various aspects of the business, such as product research and order management, simplifying the process and reducing the need for hands-on involvement.

How Can I Make Quick Money Using AI?

To make quick money with AI, explore options like selling AI-generated content or leveraging AI tools to streamline and optimize various online ventures. These methods can accelerate your earning potential by automating tasks and identifying profitable opportunities.

Is AI Trustworthy For Starting A Dropshipping Business?

Yes, AI is trustworthy for starting a dropshipping business. It provides valuable assistance in managing your store, from automating product selection to optimizing pricing, which can enhance efficiency and support your business growth.


Through this article, we’ve learned how to make money with AI. Turns out there were plenty of them! Luckily, with tools like AutoDS, starting an online business has never been easier, and the profit potential is significant. By automating tasks and optimizing processes, AI allows you to focus on growing your business and reaching your financial goals faster.

Remember, the key to success is to keep learning and experimenting. The world of AI is constantly evolving, and staying updated with the latest tools and trends will give you a competitive edge. So, dive in, explore the possibilities, and don’t be afraid to try new things. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to take your existing business to the next level, AI offers exciting opportunities to make money and achieve your dreams. Happy learning, and good luck on your AI journey! You can learn more about how to make money with AI and dropshipping here: