A world where you’re a successful business owner without ever touching a product or managing inventory is possible. Oh, you don’t believe us, right? Well, let us present you with something called ghost commerce. This emerging trend is shaking up the retail world, and if you’re curious about how it works, you’re in the right place.

Today, we’re diving deep into the world of ghost commerce. It is a game-changing approach to selling, perfect for beginners who want to start a business without the usual headaches. And we’re here to guide you through everything you need to know. By the end of this read, you’ll be ready to jump into the world of ghost commerce and start building your own success story.

Key Takeaways

Ghost commerce is a new and growing trend in which people can make money online by creating anonymous stores that don’t reveal their identities.

Choosing the right niche and products is crucial for ghost commerce success; focus on high-demand items with low competition.

Building a strong online presence and utilizing digital marketing strategies are essential for attracting customers and driving sales in a ghost commerce business.

Using AutoDS’s key features, such as the AutoDS Marketplace, TikTok Spy, and Fulfilled By AutoDS, we can easily manage our store and scale our business.

Start Now For $1

What Is Ghost Commerce?

Ghost commerce is an innovative retail model where people sell products without ever having to handle the physical goods. Instead of buying and storing products, we promote them using our online presence. We can create content, post on social media, or collaborate with influencers with a big audience.

The beauty of ghost commerce is how simple it is. We use our online platforms to point our audience toward products they can buy from third-party retailers or e-commerce sites. Think of it as being the middleman without any usual hassle. We don’t need to worry about stocking products, packaging, or shipping. We need to connect buyers with sellers using our influence and marketing skills. 

One of the key benefits of ghost commerce is its low barrier to entry. Unlike traditional retail businesses, ghost commerce allows us to start with minimal capital. We can focus on building our brand and reaching our audience without the financial strain of purchasing and managing stock. Additionally, ghost commerce offers flexibility and scalability. As our online presence grows, we can quickly adapt our marketing strategies and expand our reach. As we can see, ghost commerce is an attractive option for aspiring entrepreneurs looking for a more cost-effective way to enter the e-commerce space.

Is Ghost Commerce Dropshipping?

dropshipping ghost commerce benefits

Yes, ghost commerce is essentially dropshipping, with a new, catchy name. It’s like giving an old concept a fresh coat of paint. In ghost commerce and dropshipping, we sell products online without holding inventory. Instead of buying products in bulk and worrying about storage, we work with suppliers who handle all that for us. We simply promote the products, and when someone makes a purchase, the supplier ships it directly to the customer.

So why the new name? Well, “ghost commerce” really captures the essence of this business model—we’re like the unseen force behind the scenes, making things happen without being physically involved in the process. It’s the same strategy as dropshipping but with a modern spin that makes it sound even more intriguing and mysterious. But at its core, ghost commerce operates just like dropshipping, with all the same benefits and opportunities.

Other Types of Ghost Commerces

Ghost commerce isn’t just about one business model; it actually comes in many different forms. Each one has its own unique way of operating, but they all share the common theme of letting us run a business without dealing with physical inventory or traditional overhead. Let’s take a closer look at some popular types of ghost commerce:

  • Affiliate Marketing: This is one of the simplest forms of ghost commerce. Here, we promote products from other companies and earn a commission for every sale made through our referral link.
  • Dropshipping: Dropshipping is a bit more hands-on than affiliate marketing but still keeps things pretty light. In this model, we sell products on our website, but our supplier ships the products directly to our customers instead of keeping stock. It’s a great way to start an online store without needing a warehouse full of products.
  • White Labeling: White labeling takes things up a notch by letting us create our own brand. In this setup, we take products made by another company and sell them under our own brand name. It’s a popular choice for beauty products or supplements. For instance, we could take a generic skincare product, put our own label on it, and market it as our very own brand.
  • Wholesaling: Wholesaling is all about selling products in bulk, usually at a discounted rate. We can act as a middleman between the manufacturer and the retailer, connecting them and earning a profit from the sales.
  • Print on Demand: In this model, we can sell customized products like t-shirts, mugs, or phone cases, but they’re only created after a customer orders. This means we don’t have to invest in inventory upfront and offer personalized products that can stand out.

Is Ghost Commerce Profitable?

Ghost commerce can be profitable. The beauty of this model is that it allows us to make money by selling products we never have to touch or store ourselves. On average, ghost sellers (or dropshippers) make a 20% to 30% profit margin on each product they sell. The margin can vary depending on the product category, the supplier, and how well we market the products. The profit margins can be even better if we focus on high-ticket items—those more expensive, higher-quality products.

It’s all about finding the right products and marketing them effectively. The key to profitability in ghost commerce is selecting products that people want to buy and pricing them in a way that gives us a healthy profit while still being attractive to customers. With the right approach, ghost commerce can be a reliable way to earn money online.

Is Ghost Commerce A Legal Business Model?

Yes, ghost commerce is absolutely a legal business model. It might sound a bit mysterious with the name “ghost,” but there’s nothing shady about it. Just like traditional dropshipping, ghost commerce operates within the bounds of the law. We act as a middleman between the customer and the supplier, facilitating sales without holding inventory or shipping products.

However, some fundamental legal considerations exist, just like with any other business. For example, we must ensure we’re working with reliable suppliers who provide quality products and promptly fulfill orders. Doing so helps us maintain good customer relationships and avoids potential legal issues related to false advertising or product quality. We should also be clear and transparent with customers about our offer, especially regarding shipping times and return policies.

In addition, depending on where we operate, we’ll want to ensure we comply with any e-commerce and consumer protection regulations. Some might include collecting sales tax, adhering to advertising standards, and protecting customer data. However, as long as we follow these guidelines, ghost commerce is a legitimate and lawful way to run a business online. It’s all about being responsible and ethical in our operations.

Ghost Commerce: Pros And Challenges 

Ghost commerce, like any business model, has its ups and downs. On the one hand, it offers some fantastic benefits that make it appealing, especially for those just starting. On the other hand, there are a few challenges we need to be aware of. But don’t worry—we’ll talk about overcoming those challenges so we’re fully prepared to succeed in ghost commerce. Let’s explore them in detail.

Ghost commerce pros and challenges


  • Low Start-Up Costs: One of the most significant advantages of ghost commerce is that it requires very little money to get started. We don’t need to rent a physical store, buy inventory, or deal with warehousing costs. Instead, all we need is a solid online presence. We can set up social media pages or even a simple website at a low price, mainly paying for things like advertising and internet services. Ghost commerce is an affordable option for entrepreneurs.
  • Ease of Operation: Managing a ghost commerce business is relatively straightforward. Since we’re not handling the logistics—like packing, shipping, or inventory management—we can focus on marketing and engaging with customers. This model makes daily operations much more manageable than traditional businesses, where we’d have many more responsibilities.
  • Scalability: We can easily grow our business as we see fit. We can add more products to our offerings without worrying about where to store them or how to ship them. This flexibility allows us to adapt to market demands quickly, expanding our product range whenever we spot new opportunities or trends.
  • Potential for Passive Income: Once we’ve set up our business and established a good flow of traffic and sales, we can keep earning money with minimal ongoing effort. If our marketing strategies are effective, we can continue to see sales roll in even when we’re not actively working.
  • Access to Diverse Products: With ghost commerce, we can feature various products from various suppliers. We can cater to different customer preferences and market niches without worrying about being stuck with unsold inventory. We can test different products and see what works best, adjusting our offerings as needed to maximize sales.


  • Dependence on Suppliers: One of the main challenges in ghost commerce is we’re heavily dependent on third-party suppliers for product quality and availability. If our supplier runs out of stock or ships late, it can directly affect our customers and our business reputation. Choosing reliable suppliers and maintaining good communication with them is vital to overcome this. We might also want to work with multiple suppliers to reduce the risk of being too dependent on one source.
  • Limited Control Over Branding: Another challenge is building a solid brand identity when selling products through third-party platforms can be challenging. The platform’s branding might overshadow our own, making it difficult for us to stand out. To address this, we can focus on creating a unique brand experience through our marketing, customer service, and direct interactions with customers. Developing a consistent voice and aesthetic across all our online platforms can also help us establish our brand identity.
  • Potential Data Privacy Risks: Handling customer data is a big responsibility, and we must be careful to protect it. A data breach or any mishandling of sensitive information can lead to severe reputational damage and even legal trouble. We should invest in robust security measures to mitigate these risks and ensure we follow all data protection regulations. Doing this will help us build trust with our customers and keep their information safe.

Start A Ghost Commerce Business: Simple Steps

Starting a ghost commerce business might seem like a big task, but it becomes much easier to manage when we break it down into simple steps. Now, we’ll walk through each step carefully, ensuring everything is clear. By the end, we’ll be ready to dive into ghost commerce confidently.

Select A Niche & Find Winning Products

autods platform jewelry

The first thing we need to do is decide on a niche. A niche is a specific area or category of products that we want to focus on. Instead of trying to sell everything under the sun, we’ll pick one area where we can stand out. For example, we might concentrate on eco-friendly home goods, fitness accessories, or trendy fashion items.

Choosing a niche helps us target a specific audience and makes it easier to market our products. 

Once we’ve decided on a niche, the next step is to find winning products—the items people are excited to buy. We can do this by researching what’s trending, checking out best-seller lists, or even looking at what people are talking about on social media. It’s all about finding those products that will catch people’s attention and make them want to click “buy.”

How To Find Winning Products

Let’s explore some methods and tools that can make this process a lot easier.

  1. Google Trends: This is a fantastic tool for seeing what’s trending worldwide or in specific regions. Simply enter a product name or category, and Google Trends will show us how interest in that product has changed over time. This helps us spot emerging trends or see if a product’s popularity declines.
  2. Google Lens: Use Google Lens to snap a picture of a product and find similar items online. This can help us discover unique products that aren’t saturated in the market yet.
  3. Social Media Listening: Keep an ear to the ground on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. By following popular influencers or hashtags related to our niche, we can see what products people are excited about and potentially find our next best-seller.

AutoDS Tools for Finding Winning Products:

  1. AutoDS Hand-Picked Products Hub: This is a curated collection of proven best-sellers hand-picked by the AutoDS team. We can dive deep into product analysis, see which ones are trending, and even import them directly into our store with just one click.
  2. AutoDS Marketplace: Here, we can discover products from both retail and private suppliers. The Marketplace provides a complete product overview, including reviews and sales data, making it easier to pick high-quality items that sell.
  3. Ads Spy Tool: With this tool, we can spy on trending social media ads to see which products are currently hot. It’s perfect for finding inspiration and seeing what’s catching people’s attention right now.
  4. Product-finding Blog & Sell-These-Now Playlist: These resources are packed with insights and tips on trending products. Whether we prefer reading blogs or watching videos, AutoDS has us covered.

Choose A Supplier For Your Ghost Commerce Business

AutoDS platform supplier selection

After we’ve picked our niche and found some great products, it’s time to choose a supplier. A supplier is the person or company that provides the products we will sell. Since ghost commerce involves selling products without holding inventory, we need to partner with a supplier who will take care of that for us.

When choosing a supplier, it’s essential to look for someone reliable and trustworthy. We want to ensure they consistently provide good-quality products and ship them out to customers on time. It’s also a good idea to check out their reviews or ask other sellers about their experiences. This step is important because a great supplier will make our ghost commerce business run smoothly.

We have several options for finding reliable suppliers. AutoDS offers access to a wide range of Supported Suppliers and Private Suppliers, like AliExpress, Amazon, Shopify, DHGate, Kmart, Wish, and Redbubble. All of these platforms offer quality products and fast shipping times. AutoDS suppliers are carefully vetted, so we can trust they’ll deliver consistent service.

Pick A Selling Platform

Now that we have our niche, products, and suppliers, the next step is to choose where to sell our products. We must pick a selling platform that aligns with our business style and goals.

We have a variety of options to consider. Some popular platforms include eBay, Amazon, and Shopify. Each has its unique benefits and drawbacks. For instance, selling on Amazon gives us access to a massive customer base, which can be fantastic for reaching a broad audience. However, it also means facing a lot of competition, making it challenging to stand out.

On the other hand, creating our own Shopify store offers us greater control over our branding and customer experience. We can design our store to reflect our brand’s personality and build a unique customer shopping experience. The trade-off here is that we must invest time and effort. 

Pro Tip: Take advantage of AutoDS AI Built Shopify Store! Sign in, follow the prompts, and watch your store be ready to use in less than 2 minutes.

Each platform requires different strategies and resources, so choosing one that aligns with our business goals and the level of effort we’re prepared to invest is crucial. The key is finding the best fit for our ghost commerce business that complements our strengths and helps us achieve our objectives.

Import Products To Your Ghost Commerce Store 

This step is where we’ll add the products we want to sell so that customers can see them, learn about them, and purchase them. Importing products might sound technical, but most platforms make it easy, even for beginners.

We’ll want to ensure all the details are correct when importing products. These details include the product titles, descriptions, prices, and images. It’s important to use clear, accurate descriptions to help customers understand what they’re buying. We can customize the product listings to fit our brand’s style and tone.

ai rewrite tool

If we’re looking for a way to simplify this process, AutoDS can help us. We can easily import products into our store using AutoDS Product Importer feature. The best part? With this tool, we can bulk or single-import in just a minute.

Single importing is perfect when we want to carefully select individual products one by one, giving each listing special attention. On the other hand, bulk importing allows us to add multiple products at once, which is a huge time-saver. These features make setting up our ghost commerce store much smoother and help us get our products out there faster.

Run Creative Marketing Campaigns

influencer ghost commerce

Now that our products live in our store, it’s time to get the word out and drive traffic to our site. Here is where marketing comes in, and it’s one of the most exciting parts of running a ghost commerce business. With the right marketing strategies, we can attract the right customers, generate interest in our products, and boost our sales.

Creative campaigns are one of the best ways to market our ghost commerce store. We must think outside the box and find fun, engaging ways to connect with our audience. For this goal, we can choose from a wide range of platforms and marketing techniques, such as:

  • Influencers: By partnering with influencers who are a good fit for our niche, we can reach a wider audience and build trust with potential customers. Influencers can review our products, share them with their followers, or even create content highlighting how to use our products in real life.
  • Paid Ads: We can pay for advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Google. These ads can target specific audiences based on their interests, demographics, and online behavior, which means we can reach the people most likely to be interested in our products. The key is to test different types of ads and see what works best for our business.
  • Email Marketing: By building an email list, we can stay in touch with customers and keep them updated on new products, special promotions, and exclusive offers. Email campaigns are a great way to build loyalty and encourage repeat purchases.

Beginner’s Tip: If you’re looking for the best ways to improve your campaign game, check the Marketing Section on our blog!

Fulfill Your Orders Quickly

Fulfilled by AutoDS ghost commerce

Fulfilling orders quickly is vital. We always must try to do so as soon as we get an order. Fast and reliable order fulfillment keeps customers happy, helps build trust, and encourages them to shop with us again in the future. In ghost commerce, fulfilling orders usually means working closely with our suppliers to ensure products are shipped out promptly and arrive in good condition.

To ensure this process goes smoothly, we’ll want to monitor all orders, track shipping statuses, and be ready to intervene if any issues arise. Communication with our suppliers is key—if there’s a delay or a problem with an order, it’s important to address it right away to avoid disappointing our customers.

AutoDS order fulfillment feature

If we’re looking for a way to streamline order fulfillment and make things even easier, AutoDS has a great feature that can help. AutoDS Order Fulfillment feature allows us to automate the entire process, so we don’t have to manually process each order. This tool automatically forwards orders to our suppliers, manages tracking information, and even updates customers on their order status. By using AutoDS for order fulfillment, we can save time, reduce errors, and ensure that our customers receive their orders as quickly as possible.

Provide Excellent Customer Support

Customer support is a crucial part of any successful business, and ghost commerce is no exception. When customers have questions, concerns, or issues, it’s important that we’re there to help them out quickly and efficiently. Providing excellent customer support can make all the difference in turning a one-time buyer into a loyal, repeat customer.

One of the best ways to offer great customer support is to be responsive. We can do this by replying to emails, messages, and social media inquiries immediately. The faster we can address customer concerns, the more satisfied they’ll be. It’s also important to be friendly and understanding in our communications. Even if a customer is upset, approaching the situation with a positive attitude and a willingness to help can go a long way in resolving the issue.

We should also ensure that our return and refund policies are clear and easy to understand. They help customers feel confident in their purchases, knowing there’s a solution if something goes wrong. Having a well-organized FAQ section on our website can also be helpful, as it allows customers to find answers to common questions on their own without needing to reach out to us directly.

Finally, it’s a good idea to ask for customer feedback. Whether it’s through reviews, surveys, or direct messages, listening to what our customers have to say can help us improve our business and provide even better service in the future. By prioritizing customer support, we can build strong relationships with our customers and create a positive reputation for our ghost commerce store.

3 Tips To Have A Successful Ghost Commerce Store 

Running a ghost commerce store can be incredibly rewarding, but success doesn’t just happen overnight. Some key strategies can set us apart from the competition and help us build a thriving store. Now, we’ll share some of our best tips to make a massive difference in our journey. These tips will help us get started and grow, scale, and maintain long-term success in the world of ghost commerce.

3 Tips To Have A Successful Ghost Commerce Store

Automate & Scale Your Ghost Commerce Business 

One of the biggest secrets to success in ghost commerce is automation. When we start out, it’s easy to manage a few products manually, but as our business grows, handling everything by ourselves can quickly become overwhelming. At this point, automation comes in—it’s like having an extra set of hands that works around the clock, helping us manage our store more efficiently. By automating, we can scale our business faster and more effectively.

AutoDS is one of the best tools for automating our ghost commerce store. It’s designed for dropshipping (ghost commerce) and offers ideal features for this model. What’s great about AutoDS is that it’s super easy to use, even for beginners, and integrates smoothly with popular selling platforms. Using AutoDS, we can scale our business without the stress of managing every little detail, allowing us to grow and expand at our own pace.

Here are some of the AutoDS’ features that make our life easier:

  • AutoDS Marketplace: A place where we can find the best products to sell, hand-picked by experts.
  • Hand-picked Products: These selected products are proven to sell well, saving us time on research.
  • TikTok Spy: A tool to find trending products on TikTok that could boost our sales.
  • Fulfilled By AutoDS: This feature automates the entire order process, from purchase to delivery, so we don’t have to lift a finger.
  • Price/Stock Monitoring: It tracks price changes and stock levels, keeping our store always up to date.
  • Inventory Management: This helps us manage our stock efficiently so we never oversell or run out of products.
  • Print On Demand: We can create custom products without holding any inventory, offering unique items to our customers.

Always Keep Testing New Best Sellers 

Another key tip for running a successful ghost commerce store is always to continue testing new products. The e-commerce market constantly changes, with the latest trends and customer preferences emerging. What’s hot today might not be as popular next month, so it’s crucial to stay ahead of the curve by regularly testing new products.

The idea here is to continuously look for the next big thing to resonate with our audience. We can start by adding a few new products to our store weekly and closely monitoring their performance. If a product starts selling well, we can focus more of our marketing efforts on it. On the other hand, if a product doesn’t perform as expected, it’s a sign to move on and try something new. This ongoing process of testing and refining our product selection helps us stay competitive and ensures that we always have something fresh and exciting to offer our customers.

Remember, in ghost commerce, flexibility is critical. We can keep our store dynamic and profitable by staying proactive and open to new opportunities. It’s all about being willing to experiment, learn from the results, and adapt quickly to what works best.

Beginner’s Tip: Social Media is our best friend! We should always check platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest for relevant product hashtags. Some of our favorites are ​ #tiktokmademebuyit & #amazonfinds.

Build A Brand And Stay Active With Online Presence

In ghost commerce, it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers—sales, profits, conversions—but another aspect is just as important: building a solid brand. When we create a brand that people recognize and trust, we’re not just selling products but building a relationship with our customers.

Building a brand involves more than just a logo or a catchy name. It’s about developing a consistent identity that reflects our values and resonates with our target audience. This includes everything from the tone of our social media posts to the design of our website. A strong brand helps us stand out from the competition and gives customers a reason to choose our store over others.

But branding doesn’t stop at creating a good first impression—we also need to stay active with our online presence. According to a Google report, businesses with a strong online presence generate up to 10 times more revenue than those without. So, we must consider regularly engaging with our audience on social media, updating our blog or website with fresh content, and responding to customer inquiries promptly. The more active we are online, the more visible our brand becomes, which helps attract new customers and keeps existing ones coming back.

Google Quote

A great way to maintain an active online presence is by creating content that adds value to our audience. This could be anything from how-to guides and product reviews to behind-the-scenes looks at our business. By providing useful and interesting content, we can build a community around our brand and encourage customers to engage with us beyond just purchasing.

In short, building a brand and staying active online is about creating a lasting impression and connecting with our customers. When people recognize and feel connected to our brand, they’re more likely to become loyal customers, which is key to long-term success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Ghost Commerce?

Ghost commerce is a modern retail model in which individuals or businesses sell products online without holding any physical inventory or managing a traditional online store. Instead, they promote products through their online presence and direct customers to purchase from third-party retailers or e-commerce platforms.

Can I Make Money With Ghost Commerce?

Yes, you can definitely make money with ghost commerce! Many people earn a steady income by promoting products and earning a profit on each sale. The average profit margin is usually between 10% and 30%, and it can be even higher if you’re selling high-ticket items. Success in ghost commerce depends on choosing the right products, effectively marketing them, and optimizing your business.

How Does A Ghost Commerce Business Differ From A Dropshipping Store?

Ghost commerce and dropshipping are essentially the same in how they operate—both involve selling products without holding inventory. However, ghost commerce focuses more on promoting products through content and social media channels, often without a dedicated storefront. In contrast, a dropshipping store typically operates through a dedicated online store where customers can browse and purchase products directly.


Ghost commerce is an innovative and easy way to start a business without the usual challenges of managing products or inventory. It’s all about using your online presence to connect customers with products from third-party sellers, letting you focus on marketing and customer engagement. Following the steps we’ve outlined, like choosing a niche, finding a reliable supplier, and setting up a strong marketing plan, you can build a successful ghost commerce business with minimal upfront costs.

This business model offers many benefits, including low start-up costs, easy operation, and potential passive income. However, it’s essential to be aware of the challenges. You can thrive in ghost commerce with the right approach, tools like AutoDS to automate your tasks, and a focus on excellent customer support. If you want to learn more about ghost commerce, a.k.a dropshipping, check these out: