Knowing the average profit margin for dropshipping is a decisive point for anyone starting out in this type of business. It is difficult to decide to invest in and launch an online store from scratch, even if it is a side hustle to complement another job. Therefore, it is always beneficial to clear up any doubts and seek proper advice before making a move.

In this article, we will cover the main aspects of the average profit margin for dropshipping, how it works, and what to consider on different platforms. We will also investigate the average profit margin for Amazon, Shopify, eBay, and Etsy dropshipping. Join us!

Key Takeaways

Knowing the average profit margin for dropshipping is crucial for anyone starting this business. It helps make informed decisions about investing in and launching an online store, whether a side hustle or a full-time venture.

The average profit margin for dropshipping varies widely based on business type, product selection, market conditions, and operational efficiency.

Utilize tools like AutoDS to gain competitive insights and enhance decision-making processes for effective product listings and marketing strategies.

Pricing competitively while maintaining profitability is essential. Research market trends and customer expectations to set optimal prices.

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How Does Dropshipping Work?

Dropshipping is a low-risk business model that enables you to sell products without bearing maintenance and shipping costs. How does it work? The process involves three parties: the customer, the seller, and the supplier. 

When a customer orders an item from our online store, we pass the order details to the supplier, who then takes care of the shipping. As dropshippers, we earn the profit margin between the product’s original price and our selling price.

The dropshipping process includes just a few steps:

  • Step 1: The customer places an order in our store.
  • Step 2: We relay the order details to our supplier.
  • Step 3: The supplier ships the product to the customer, and we retain the profit between the cost price and the selling price.

What Is Dropshipping

What Is The Average Profit Margin For Dropshipping?

Of course, there is no single answer to this question. The average profit margin for dropshipping depends greatly on the type of business you start, the products you intend to sell, your expectations, and the time you dedicate to this business model.

According to sites like Statista, in 2020, the global market value for dropshipping e-commerce was estimated at 128.6 billion U.S. dollars. Between 2021 and 2026, the market size will grow to 476.1 billion U.S. dollars.

Average Profit Margin For Dropshipping Stats

This indicates that with the right strategies and planning, we can make an economic difference through dropshipping. Our average profit margin for dropshipping will not be the same if we are just starting out as it will be after running the business for a year. Broadly speaking, profit margins can be understood as follows.

As a beginner, the initial steps of your dropshipping store will yield smaller profits, which will grow consistently over time. You can earn up to $1000 per month if you’re starting out. However, if you find a winning product, you can make between $500 and $2500 monthly. There are dropshipping products with high profit margins that can propel our business forward!

Once you incorporate different techniques and gain experience as an intermediate dropshipper, the average profit margin for dropshipping can scale to $1000-$5000 per month.

Additionally, by leveraging automation’s benefits in terms of investment and time, you can reach earnings of $10,000 per month. This profit level is typically seen in businesses that have been operating for more than 6-12 months, with a solid brand establishment and effective marketing strategies.

If you’re feeling discouraged and thinking about quitting, don’t! Although it may seem daunting, every beginning is tough. The reward always comes after hard work. Dropshipping is not a get-rich-quick scheme, and like any other business model, it is very likely to fail in the first year.

However, if you are genuinely interested in learning, adapting, and understanding the keys to success in dropshipping, you will probably achieve a good profit in this business, whether you want it as a side job or gradually turn it into your main source of income.

Two key aspects to ensure the growth of your store are staying constantly informed and up-to-date with trends, and taking advantage of the benefits of automation by resolving small daily tasks, saving us time.

Of course, the profit margin also depends on the selling channel you use to establish the online store where you sell your products. To illustrate, let’s look at the average profit margin for dropshipping on different platforms.

Average Profit Margin For Amazon Dropshipping 

To start dropshipping on Amazon, we need an Amazon seller account, which costs $39.99 per month for a professional account. Unlike Shopify, Amazon has a large built-in customer base, so we don’t need to invest heavily in driving traffic to our store.

In addition to advertising costs, we must account for Amazon’s referral fees, which vary by product category but generally range from 6% to 15% of the selling price. For example, if we sell a product for $50, and the referral fee is 15%, we will be charged $7.50. We also need to consider payment processing fees, although Amazon handles the payment gateway, and these fees are included in the referral fee.

To ensure profitability, we must price our products to cover all these costs and include a profit margin. For instance, if a product costs $100 and total expenses, including Amazon’s fees, bring it to $125, pricing it at around $200 would cover all costs and provide a $75 profit. 

Average Profit Margin For Shopify Dropshipping 

To start dropshipping on Shopify, a basic subscription plan costs $19.00 per month (or less with an annual subscription). Since Shopify doesn’t provide built-in traffic, we need to drive traffic to our website through advertising.

We also need to consider shipping costs, though many suppliers offer free shipping for orders over a certain amount. To ensure profitability, we must price our products to cover all costs and include a profit margin. For instance, if a product costs $100 and total expenses bring it to $125, pricing it at $200 would cover all costs and provide a $75 profit.

Average Profit Margin For eBay Dropshipping 

When considering eBay dropshipping, starting with a personal account is free, but opting for a business account offers various subscription plans, such as the Starter Store, at $21.95 per month. Unlike Shopify, eBay functions as a marketplace with inherent traffic, reducing the immediate need for paid marketing. 

In addition to potential PPC costs, eBay charges selling, listing, and final value fees, which vary based on product categories and can fluctuate over time. These fees directly impact profit margins. For example, after factoring in all expenses, including fees and marketing for a $150 product, if the total cost is $90, the potential profit could be approximately $60. Adapting pricing strategies to accommodate these fluctuating costs is important to maintain profitability.

Average Profit Margin For Etsy Dropshipping

Etsy offers a wide range of plans starting from $10 per month and up. Unlike platforms like Shopify, Etsy operates as a marketplace with a built-in audience, which can reduce the immediate need for extensive marketing efforts.

In addition, Etsy charges transaction fees and a listing fee for each product listed on the platform. The transaction fee is 5% of the total sale price, including shipping costs, while the listing fee is $0.20 per item. These fees can impact profit margins significantly, so it’s crucial to factor them into pricing strategies. For instance, if a product costs $100 and total expenses, including Etsy fees and advertising, amount to $75, pricing it at around $150 would cover costs and potentially yield a profit of $25. 

Tips To Make Money When Dropshipping On Any Platform

Average Profit Margin For Dropshipping

Tips for making money, isn’t that what we all need? As we mentioned before, we’re not going to promise you overnight wealth because that would be a lie. However, there are certain practices that can help you make your average profit margin for dropshipping work for you. Let’s review the crucial elements for profit margins:

  • Pricing products competitively while maintaining healthy profit margins: Finding the right balance between competitiveness and profitability is crucial. Conduct market research to understand pricing trends and customer expectations. 
  • Selecting in-demand products and trending niches: Research current market trends and identify products with consistent demand. Use tools like Google Trend to validate product viability and potential profitability.

Beginner’s Tip: Using tools like our TikTok Ads Spy, you can leverage valuable information from competitors to make much better decisions.

  • Differentiating your brand and offerings: Develop a brand that differentiates your store from competitors. Highlight your brand’s values, product quality, or exclusive offerings to attract and retain customers.
  • Driving traffic and generating sales through effective marketing: Use a mix of digital marketing strategies, such as SEO, social media advertising, email campaigns, and influencer partnerships, to drive targeted traffic to your store.
  • Providing outstanding customer service to build loyalty: Focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences. Respond promptly to inquiries, address customer concerns effectively, and personalize interactions whenever possible. Reviews greatly influence how different audiences perceive our brand. We should strive to make them positive.
  • Partnering with reliable suppliers who deliver quality products on time: Vet potential suppliers carefully to ensure they meet your quality, reliability, and fulfillment efficiency standards. Establish clear communication channels and expectations regarding order processing, shipping times, and returns handling. Do not overlook our global suppliers if you are looking to partner with reliable suppliers that meet your needs.

Another crucial factor that you cannot overlook is the various fees you will encounter along your dropshipping journey. Understanding and forecasting our expenses helps us understand our average dropshipping margin.

Basically, these are the different types of fees that one assumes when starting a dropshipping business:

Selling Channel Fees

Firstly, we need to factor in the selling channel fees. These costs must be evaluated before selecting the dropshipping platform. Selling channel fees differ across platforms and encompass various expenses. Therefore, let’s examine the selling channel fees for the most effective dropshipping platforms.

  • Amazon: Amazon charges a referral fee for each sale, typically 8-15% of the selling price, and a variable closing fee.
  • eBay: eBay charges an insertion fee for listing items and a final value fee, a percentage of the total selling price, usually around  12.9% – 15%.
  • Etsy: Etsy charges a listing fee of $0.20 per item, a transaction fee of 6.5% of the selling price, and payment processing fees.
  • Shopify: Shopify charges a monthly subscription fee, starting at $29, and transaction fees of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction 

International Selling Fees

Understanding international selling fees and their impact on overall dropshipping costs is crucial. These fees are calculated based on the total sale amount and are deducted automatically from our sales proceeds. The total sale amount includes the item price, handling charges, the shipping service chosen by the buyer, sales tax, and any other applicable fees.

Payment Provider Fees

Another fee to consider when dropshipping is the payment provider fee. These fees are charged to merchants for processing credit card and online customer payments.

Fees vary depending on the payment provider used for a specific selling channel. Common payment gateways include PayPal and Payoneer. For example, using Payoneer may incur a 3% fee on credit card transactions.

Shipping Costs, Taxes, And Customs Duties

Additionally, we must account for taxes and customs duties. The amount of import tax and duties varies by the country to which the goods are imported. Duty tax rates range from 0% to 37.5%, with an average rate of 5.63%.

Marketing Costs

Running a successful dropshipping business involves generating interest and converting it into sales between competitors. Effective marketing is crucial for scaling our business, and costs will vary based on our chosen methods.

To gauge dropshipping profitability accurately, it’s essential to understand the types of expenses that impact earnings and ensure we account for them to maintain a healthy profit margin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Dropshipping Profitable?

Dropshipping can be profitable if executed effectively. Success hinges on factors like product selection, pricing strategy, marketing efforts, and operational efficiency. While the low startup costs and minimal inventory management are attractive, profit margins can vary widely depending on the niche, competition, and chosen platform.

Can I Dropship From Different Platforms To Earn More Money?

Yes, dropshipping from multiple platforms can potentially increase earnings. Each platform offers its own audience, traffic sources, and fee structures. By diversifying across platforms like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Shopify, sellers can reach broader demographics and mitigate risks associated with relying on a single marketplace.

What Is The Most Profitable Platform For Starting A Business?

The most profitable platform for starting a dropshipping business depends on various factors, including product niche, target market, and personal expertise.


Well, we’ve reached the end! Now, you have a better understanding of the average profit margin for dropshipping. As we’ve seen in this article, it’s not a fixed or immutable number. Profit margins can vary depending on numerous factors, such as where you are in your dropshipping journey, the niche you choose, the products you sell, and the time and dedication you can invest.

Of course, these aren’t the only significant factors. We also need to consider our various expenses when setting up and running our business. As always, we recommend continuing to learn and integrate automation tools like AutoDS to simplify routine tasks and focus on what matters. To further explore the world of dropshipping, we suggest continuing with the following articles: